Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Encuentros / 'Meetings'

I can never resist publishing some information on the art exhbitions going at Rialto living Lifestyle store in Palma. It is such a great place and their art exhibitions are each unique and special. If you go to the inauguration night there is a glass of wine for everyone there and its such a delightful way to spend an evening.

The next inauguration night is taking place on the 28th of May and the exhibition is called 'Encuentros' or 'Meetings' and it consists of a collection of photographs by local artist Nuria Forteza. The photographs were taken on one of the artist's visits to La Habana, Cuba.

Here is what she has to say:

There are people that collect stones, papers, matchboxes, fridge magnets... I even have a friend who collects light...
People collect everything... and I collect colours.
The obession for collecting things can start very early or very late. My obsession for colours started, I think, with socks: first they were one colour, then another, striped, dotted, with drawings, even including my underwear.
But that wasn’t enough, my obsession continued growing... That’s how I started noting all the colours surrounding me.
Havana, winter 2003... buildings in ruins, windows without glass, old cars, music on every corner, its people and above all, its colours.
“Meetings” is my collection of Havana, photographs with a touch of colour.

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